IRS Audits of Streamlined Applications
A question that’s commonly asked by prospective clients in a streamlined compliance filing is: “will I get audited?” This article will hopefully shed some light. …
A question that’s commonly asked by prospective clients in a streamlined compliance filing is: “will I get audited?” This article will hopefully shed some light. …
How U.S. Life Insurance Policies are Taxed A whole life insurance policy is part investment and part life insurance. Such policies have two basic financial …
How much does a streamlined case cost? Foreign accounts cases are unique and present different challenges. We often get quote requests by email. Hopefully this …
Domestic Voluntary Disclosure The IRS issued a memorandum on November 29, 2018 that updates the process for domestic and offshore voluntary disclosures after the 2014 offshore voluntary disclosure program …
When a U.S. person receives a gift from a foreign person in excess of $100,000, the transaction triggers a Form 3520 filing requirement. There are …
“FATCA” (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) requires specified individuals to report ownership of specified foreign financial assets if the total value exceeds the applicable reporting …
In this article are the IRS’ internal procedures for investigations of FBAR violations as found in the IRM. After a foreign bank reports the non-compliant …
If you are a US citizen or tax resident, you may have a foreign bank account reporting obligation. This often catches many immigrants to the …
Taxation of Canadian investments in the U.S. can be complicated. It can even be difficult to find a tax advisor who can properly report these …
Is a Quiet Disclosure Ever a Good Option in Non-Willful Cases? What is a Quiet Disclosure? In a non-willful failure to file FBARs and report …